Self-Aware and Self-Care

While self-care is a critical tool for the steady, sturdy parent we aim to be, its precursor is self-awareness.

And, self-awareness can be a tall order when you're doing all the things for all the people all the time.

It's takes skill, and loads of practice to notice when you are off, so that you fuel up again.

In this episode, I share my insights on the practices of pausing, noticing and tending, all functions of developing self-awareness.

As we learn to pause and tune into our inner and outer experience in any given moment, we begin to gain access to our steadier selves, our inner knowing, and our wise discernment.

Not only does this allow us to become less reactionary and more intentional in our parenting, but also more grateful, peaceful, and loving.

Listen to episode 3 of Knot Parenting here

Carrie Contey