Checking your gauges

There’s what we’re amidst. And there’s what’s happening inside of us with regard to what we’re amidst.

Checking in on ourselves and getting a read on our various internal gauges, allows us to get a read on how we’re doing.

Here are some gauges worth checking in on…

  • When I consider my body, where am I on the continuum between tense and relaxed?

  • When I consider my emotional weather, where am I on the continuum between stormy and sunny? Blustery and calm?

  • When I consider my heart, where am I on the continuum between cold and closed and warm and welcoming?

  • When I consider my nervous system, where am I on the continuum between dysregulated and regulated?

  • When I consider my beingness, where am I on the continuum between feeling in alignment and out of alignment?

We are human beings. We have human systems that give us loads of information about how we’re doing, how we’re coping, how we’re handling life. And, we have a beingness that emerges when we are aligned. When we can bring awareness to both our HUMANNESS and our BEINGNESS, we are offering ourselves a beautiful opportunity for healthy humanhood.

Carrie Contey