Appreciate, Love, and Savor

The growing years as a family with your kids in your home?

It's all quite brief, relatively speaking.

Yes, it's a lot.

Yes, you're doing it.

Yes, you + your growing people deserve massive amounts of appreciation for how you're living and loving together.

When things are flowing, savor the sweetness.
When things are challenging, savor the sweet mess.

When you feel energized, celebrate.
When you feel exhausted, rest.

This week, to help you honor the phase/season/moment of family life you are in, tune into Episode 7 of Knot Parenting Podcast, Appreciate, Love, and Savor. Kristen and I dive deeper into the value of training our focus towards what’s good and giving ourselves permission to delight in the miracle of this parenting experience.

Carrie Contey