Why Knot Parenting

It’s here, it’s finally here!


This 8-episode mini-series launched today and I am so proud of what I created with my friend and colleague Kristen Manieri.

This podcast offers a new perspective on human development and parenting.

In Episode 1: Why Knot Parenting? I lay out my philosophy on both knot and not parenting.​


I’ve dreamed of being able to articulate and encapsulate everything I’ve studied, taught and known about guiding parents through all phases of their children’s development. In this podcast, I feel that I’ve found the best possible medium to do so.

Whether you’re new to my world, or you’ve been with me a long time, I trust that you’ll find some amazing nuggets of parenting inspiration. I put my whole self into this, and I’m so excited to share it with you.

Today, I have a big ask - this podcast is something I’m so incredibly proud of, and I know it’s going to help so many people. Once you listen, please consider subscribing, rating and reviewing (and sharing) my podcast. The more people that review, the more people will find us!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Carrie Contey